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The Elephant Bridesmaid

Based on one of the titles from the best selling book How The Koala Learnt To Hug and Other Australian Fairytales, and written especially for parents to enjoy with their children, The Elephant Bridesmaid is a heart-warming family musical about weddings and wombats and the loveliest elephant you’ve ever met. For ages 3 – 103! […]

Bink and the Hairy Fairy

If Bink could choose to be with anyone in the world it would be the Princess.And if Hetty the mad old bag lady could choose to be with anyone in the world it would be Bink. There’s also bad guys and magic and fantastic secrets to be discovered but don’t let me spoil it for […]

Bink and the Riddle of the Sphinx

With more smash hit songs to sing along to, more action to enjoy and more baddies to boo than ever before, are you brave enough to face the fearsome God of Water, the spine-chilling Sphinx, the hideous Gorgons and of course the legendary horror that is…The Terrible Bog Monster? We sure hope so — or […]

The Witch’s Bogey

Baba Yaga is an evil witch who likes nothing better than eating sweet, young girls for dinner. Virtue is a sweet, young girl… When the two of them meet in this magical pop musical it can only wind up with someone coming to a grotty, dotty and quite possibly snotty end! The multi award winning […]

How The Koala Learnt To Hug

Everyone loves a hug and that counts double for our adorable friend the koala. But just how did the koala learn to hug? That’s exactly what you’ll find out in this heart warming, interactive musical based on the best selling book by Steven Lee. For all ages.